“…Your huge, personal commitment has been instrumental in making this day a happy and all around successful ‘birthday’ for our marketing organisation. The foundation for future success has been laid, and we couldn’t have done it without you.â€
Axel Springer AG
“…Your remarkable personal presence made you a resounding success with everyone. You left an inspiring and lasting impression on the more than 140 participants.â€
Barmer Ersatzkasse Hessen
“…After a long day of hard work, the delivery of your speech helped us gain a whole new perspec-tive and a different way of thinking. The effect was obvious right the next day. The idea of ‘making the impossible possible’ remained with us.â€
“…In the most impressive way, your speech made our partners excited about the coming challen-ges in distribution. You gave a palpable impulse for the agencies not to see these challenges as ‘hurdles’ but as a chance. I am sure this wasn’t your last event at the Generali Group.â€
Generali Versicherung AG
“…Your captivating and vivid delivery and the sports references in combination with the topics of motivation and inspiration have transported the message of ‘look to the future, never give up, never take the eye off the price’ in a very believable way. Your willingness to be available to talk to the participants afterward your speech was a gift and is proof of a great character.â€
HCI Capital AG
“…In a very emotional and authentic way, you enabled our employees to see that every single per-son can find their own path to success. We didn’t just feel the excitement of our employees on the day of the event itself – it will also carry us through the coming year.â€
Sparkasse Holstein
“…You knew perfectly how to thrill and excite the present businesspeople, the public officials and the representatives of local politics. This refreshing mix of information and inspiration was instru-mental in making the evening a success.â€
VR-Bank NordRhön eG
“…We want to say ‘thank you’ for your captivating motivational and inspirational speech. Your per-sonalty, your experience in the world of high-performance sports and your practical way of creating a bridge to private and business life – how we can all ‘run over hurdles’ – have filled the partici-pants in the conference with enthusiasm and were an important element in making the conference a success.â€
Westfalen AG
“…Your speech didn't just make our top-level management move, you inspired thought! The cent-ral aspects ‘accelerating success’, ‘the power of positive thinking’ and ‘techniques for success’ ha-ve filled them with Olympic spirit. The meaningful images have captivated everyone’s imagination. Your words are still echoing with us.â€
WWK Allgemeine Versicherung AG